Cancel abstracts

Abstract Status

Would you like to cancel the abstract of someone who has cancelled their presentation at the congress?

Navigate to
> Abstracts & Reviews (with review process)
> Abstracts (without review process)

Note: If a cancelled abstract has already been scheduled in a session, it will remain visible until it is removed from the session.

Cancel abstract in Overview

1.1 Find an abstract by filtering and sorting

1.2 Tick the box next to the abstract you want to cancel in the left column.


1.3 Go to the section "Make acceptance/rejection decision" and click the button Cancel under "Set status".


The cancelled abstracts will be marked with with the corresponding status icon in the list.


If the abstract is already scheduled, you can recognise this by the linked session number, e.g. Onko1 in the "Planned" column. In a next step, you can remove it from the session.


Cancel abstract in the detail view

2.1 Enter the abstract number or title in the search box. The result will be displayed in a new list.

2.2 Open the form to edit the abstract status via the linked Abstract title (column: View or edit the abstract review).

2.3 Scroll down to the section "Your final decision on the abstract" and select Cancel.


2.4 Confirm the cancellation by clicking the Save button.

Removing cancelled abstracts from sessions

If an abstract has already been scheduled, you will see the session number in the "Scheduled" column.

Click on the associated session number, e.g. Onko1 . The schedule view of the session will open in a new browser window.


Remove the cancelled abstract by clicking Remove:


Remove Abstract from Poster Sessions:
